Friday, January 2, 2009

Summary For CNY (26/1 - 1/2)

3mths+ din blog edy...too bz =)

ok dowan talk craps zor...bk to the main topic...

26/1/2009 CNY cor1
morning go to popo house sit sit...1hour oso dun haf then zao go to mama house makan la...
din go anywhr else...hide in hm onli...

27/1 cor2
today got visitors =) che wan, kar lip n ah bi cm my zor N times bleach battle wif lip...ah bi play sdo...beginner...her teacher = my form1 sis....bubu chat n c ah bi play...

say wan go fren house "pray year", how know sudenly ah bi's god cousin duno where kill cm out...then plan changed...go zor sing k...4hours, 2drinks no food...RM20 -.-

29/1 ah...nite go asa house bbq...dunid i say lo...evryone hepi =)...heres the picture...

ok...y put this pic? the main point is the dog...named fit-fit...laser-eyes dog...kar lip new good fren(partner)

p/s : do not see this pic if u r under 18....

30/1 - 31/1
for this two days i oso play game, go drink tea wif poker kad...chit chat like dat onli...

wat a down day...nid start skol lo tmrw lo...8pm bk down afta bk to kampar...

talk talk my kampar house...1st sem n 2nd sem punya difference...

so er actualy ntg much diff gud n bad...

gud ting is da dirty housemate gone...!! bad ting is da toilet...duno wat da x-housemate done in the pass 3mths...

now at nite awiz see many "small strong" running party like dat...afta v clean it up stil like dat...haihhh...

k...since it is a summary...stop here =)

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